Winning Mindset For Business Growth with James Marland
I was honored to be interviewed by James Marland for his Scaling Therapy Practice podcast titled How to Develop a Winning Mindset for Business Growth. You can watch/listen to this podcast here: Youtube Link Blog Itunes Some of the topics around how to develop a winning mindset for business growth were: For more about overcoming […]
15 Nighttime Self-Care Strategies To Get Prepared For A Busy Tomorrow

Sleep is central to self-care, time management and productivity. I was happy to be quoted in this article for the Forbes Coaches Council: Everyone has a long day at work occasionally that leaves us stressed, exhausted, and needing a break from the daily grind. Unfortunately, you can’t always take that break, especially when one long […]
Awesome Life Podcast Interview with Karen Stutz

I had a lot of fun talking Time Management with Karen Stutz, host of Awesome Life Podcast.
Motivational Firewood Podcast

I was honored to be a guest on the Motivational Firewood podcast with Steve Gamlin. We went wide, we went deep – it was a blast! I told my story about how I stayed motivated in the face of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and came out on the other side.
Build Your Foundational Systems for Success

During the Pandemic, Debra Russell recommends working on your business. This means setting up your personal and business systems so that you are ready for growth. Will you be ready to take your business to the next level when the world comes off the Coronavirus pause?
What NOW?

How to Move Forward During the COVID-19 Lockdown I have heard from so many of you about how COVID-19 has disrupted your businesses and your lives. For some, this is having a significant and severe impact on your livelihoods. And many of you are left scrambling and even more of you are feeling trapped in […]
What is Professional Development? And Why Do You Need It?

Why Invest in Professional Development for Yourself and Your Staff? Here’s the bottom line – the more you invest in yourself as a business owner, the stronger you will be as a business owner. Remember, Luck = Preparedness + Opportunity. The essence of business development IS becoming prepared.
The Ugly Truth About Time Management

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”– H. Jackson Brown If we all get the same amount of time, why is it that some people seem […]
The Power of Habits

Debra Russell explores Habits. What are they? Why do we struggle to change our habits and how do you change them?
How to Eliminate Transition Trauma

Throughout your life as an athlete, you will experience transition. As a student athlete, you experience it as you advance through the levels of your sport and then into University athletics and from amateur to professional. Read more: