Debra Russell Coaching

Effective Ways Employers Can Prevent Overworking Their Workforce

Burned-out employees are becoming the norm rather than the exception. According to a report by Harvard Business Review, psychological and physical problems of burned-out employees cost an estimated $125 to $190 billion a year in health care spending in the U.S. alone. My answer is #10 – I hope you get value from it! Read […]

Starting A Business? 13 Critical Things To Do Before You Quit Your Day Job

At one point or another, most corporate professionals have dreamed of leaving their 9-to-5 behind in pursuit of entrepreneurship. The idea of running your own business is incredibly appealing, especially when stories of people who successfully quit their day jobs seem to be everywhere. But are you really ready to take the leap? My answer […]

How Workaholic Entrepreneurs Can Avoid Burnout: 15 Best Tips

As an entrepreneur, it is your job to make sure your business runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. It can be addictive to throw yourself into the role and work day and night to make sure your business succeeds. You may have a strong drive or unstoppable motivation that powers you forward, but at […]

Going Through A Late Career Change? 10 Survival Tips

Decades ago, the majority of people chose an industry and stuck with it through their entire careers, from college graduation through retirement. It may seem daunting to switch to a new industry after several decades climbing the ladder in a different one; however, it’s not impossible, and you may even find that you are happier, […]

13 Small But Powerful Ways To Become A Memorable Public Speaker

Not everyone can speak to a crowd. It requires the right temperament to not only handle that many eyes on you but to deliver a strong performance that can inspire action. You need to speak with clarity, offer unique (or at least concrete) advice, and create an inspired connection between you and your listeners. So […]

The 15 Biggest Challenges Of Solopreneurship And How To Overcome Them

Working for and by yourself seems like a dream come true. But solopreneurship does have its share of challenges that business owners who work with teams and partners don’t typically face. Here are some of the biggest challenges solopreneurs face and how to overcome them, according to the leading members of Forbes Coaches Council. My answer is #11 – I hope […]

15 Ways To Offer Truly Constructive Feedback

Whether it’s positive or negative, formal or informal, any type of feedback from a supervisor or colleague can clue an employee in on where they stand performance-wise. And the right feedback can help them improve significantly.  So how can you provide good and constructive feedback without making the recipient feel personally attacked? Fifteen members of Forbes […]

10 Ways to Overcome The Biggest Downsides Of A Freelance Career

As a Forbes Coaches Council member, I was asked to give a short answer to this question which was compiled with other council members and published. My answer is #10 – I hope you get value from it! ______________________________________________ If you’re thinking of joining the freelance economy, you’re not alone. One source says that by […]