What NOW?

How to Move Forward During the COVID-19 Lockdown I have heard from so many of you about how COVID-19 has disrupted your businesses and your lives. For some, this is having a significant and severe impact on your livelihoods. And many of you are left scrambling and even more of you are feeling trapped in […]
How to Eliminate Transition Trauma

Throughout your life as an athlete, you will experience transition. As a student athlete, you experience it as you advance through the levels of your sport and then into University athletics and from amateur to professional. Read more: http://moneysmartathlete.com/2019/02/21/how-to-eliminate-transition-trauma/
Bad Quarter? 13 Ways To Restrategize And Recover

While sometimes it is up for debate, it is generally accepted that, eventually, all companies will have a bad quarter. This usually means that goals were not met, especially revenue goals. My answer is #8 – I hope you get value from it! Read more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2018/09/28/bad-quarter-13-ways-to-restrategize-and-recover/#39a3c5b446d2
Experts Warn of Damage to Transamerica Brand After SEC Action

Transamerica’s latest misstep is the latest in a months-long series of announcements that threaten to tarnish the insurer. What’s important now are the company’s next moves, brand consultants say. On Monday, the Securities and Exchange Commission said affiliates of Baltimore-based Aegon USA — Transamerica’s corporate parent and a subsidiary of the Dutch insurance giant Aegon […]
Effective Ways Employers Can Prevent Overworking Their Workforce

Burned-out employees are becoming the norm rather than the exception. According to a report by Harvard Business Review, psychological and physical problems of burned-out employees cost an estimated $125 to $190 billion a year in health care spending in the U.S. alone. My answer is #10 – I hope you get value from it! Read […]
Nine Ways To Balance Being A Parent And An Entrepreneur

Working parents know how difficult it is to balance a career with caring for children. However, parents who run their own business experience an added layer to this challenge In many ways, these “parentpreneurs” stretch themselves between two types of babies: the children they’re raising and the business they’re growing. Both require near-constant nurturing […]
10 Ways to Overcome The Biggest Downsides Of A Freelance Career

As a Forbes Coaches Council member, I was asked to give a short answer to this question which was compiled with other council members and published. My answer is #10 – I hope you get value from it! ______________________________________________ If you’re thinking of joining the freelance economy, you’re not alone. One source says that by […]
The Success of Your Business? It’s a Theory… by @artistsedge

by Debra Russell | Featured Contributor In last month’s article, Is it Failure or Feedback? I introduced you to a new paradigm – “there is no failure, only feedback.” That framework is the foundation for this month’s success skill: How to Use the Scientific Method to Create Success Do you remember the Scientific Method […]
Boundaries and the Power of “NO” (or Go Ahead, Be the Bitch) by @artistsedge

by Debra Russell | Featured Contributor The thought terrifies, doesn’t it? What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m a bitch? I’m a NICE PERSON! I don’t want to be a bitch. Or if we’re being really honest with ourselves, I don’t want people to think of me as a bitch. Even […]
Self-Employed vs. Business Owner – Which Mindset Will Empower You Most? by @artistsedge

by Debra Russell | Featured Contributor Many WAHMs and solo-preneurs think of themselves as self-employed. Why? Because that’s what the IRS calls you. When you file a Schedule C and your income is 1099 and you are not incorporated or part of a partnership, then you are considered self-employed. But I’m going to take a […]