What NOW?

How to Move Forward During the COVID-19 Lockdown I have heard from so many of you about how COVID-19 has disrupted your businesses and your lives. For some, this is having a significant and severe impact on your livelihoods. And many of you are left scrambling and even more of you are feeling trapped in […]
What is Professional Development? And Why Do You Need It?

Why Invest in Professional Development for Yourself and Your Staff? Here’s the bottom line – the more you invest in yourself as a business owner, the stronger you will be as a business owner. Remember, Luck = Preparedness + Opportunity. The essence of business development IS becoming prepared.
How to Eliminate Transition Trauma

Throughout your life as an athlete, you will experience transition. As a student athlete, you experience it as you advance through the levels of your sport and then into University athletics and from amateur to professional. Read more: http://moneysmartathlete.com/2019/02/21/how-to-eliminate-transition-trauma/
15 Ways To Stay Relevant And Find Success As A Salesperson

From changes in technology to evolving social structures, the business landscape today shifts rapidly. While change can be challenging, it also creates opportunity in every entrepreneurial sector, including sales. My answer is #8 – I hope you get value from it! Read more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/01/23/15-ways-to-stay-relevant-and-find-success-as-a-salesperson/#2294af867cad
Effective Ways Employers Can Prevent Overworking Their Workforce

Burned-out employees are becoming the norm rather than the exception. According to a report by Harvard Business Review, psychological and physical problems of burned-out employees cost an estimated $125 to $190 billion a year in health care spending in the U.S. alone. My answer is #10 – I hope you get value from it! Read […]
Going Through A Late Career Change? 10 Survival Tips

Decades ago, the majority of people chose an industry and stuck with it through their entire careers, from college graduation through retirement. It may seem daunting to switch to a new industry after several decades climbing the ladder in a different one; however, it’s not impossible, and you may even find that you are happier, […]
Essential Tips On How To Make Your Business More Human And Likeable

With 70% of Americans actively disengaged from their jobs, creating a workplace environment that employees enjoy is key to providing fulfillment. One step to making your business more likable by employees may have to do with the human factor and how your employees are treated. Employees hate their job for a number of reasons: Office politics, being lied to, […]
Bad Press Doesn’t Mean The End: What Your Company Can Do To Recover

Imagine the internet and press are abuzz with news about your firm slipping up. Bad press is a crossroads for a brand, one you will have to cross periodically. With the right steps, companies can regain their footing and potentially gain additional goodwill. Mishandling the issue, however, will damage public perception, perhaps permanently. Members of Forbes Coaches Council talk […]
The 15 Biggest Challenges Of Solopreneurship And How To Overcome Them

Working for and by yourself seems like a dream come true. But solopreneurship does have its share of challenges that business owners who work with teams and partners don’t typically face. Here are some of the biggest challenges solopreneurs face and how to overcome them, according to the leading members of Forbes Coaches Council. My answer is #11 – I hope […]
10 Ways To Improve Your Presentation Skills

As a Forbes Coaches Council member, I was asked to give a short answer to this question which was compiled with other council members and published. My answer is #3 – I hope you get value from it! Knowing how to deliver an idea is beneficial, no matter what line of business you’re in. But […]