What is Professional Development? And Why Do You Need It?

Why Invest in Professional Development for Yourself and Your Staff? Here’s the bottom line – the more you invest in yourself as a business owner, the stronger you will be as a business owner. Remember, Luck = Preparedness + Opportunity. The essence of business development IS becoming prepared.
12 Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Personal Brand

Developing a strong and distinct personal brand is important today, both for businesses and individuals. When it comes to companies, consumers like to feel as though they know the individuals behind the brands they’re interacting with. My answer is #7 – I hope you get value from it! Read more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/01/25/12-mistakes-that-can-destroy-your-personal-brand/#
Essential Tips On How To Make Your Business More Human And Likeable

With 70% of Americans actively disengaged from their jobs, creating a workplace environment that employees enjoy is key to providing fulfillment. One step to making your business more likable by employees may have to do with the human factor and how your employees are treated. Employees hate their job for a number of reasons: Office politics, being lied to, […]
Bad Press Doesn’t Mean The End: What Your Company Can Do To Recover

Imagine the internet and press are abuzz with news about your firm slipping up. Bad press is a crossroads for a brand, one you will have to cross periodically. With the right steps, companies can regain their footing and potentially gain additional goodwill. Mishandling the issue, however, will damage public perception, perhaps permanently. Members of Forbes Coaches Council talk […]
To Improve Your Marketing, Establish A Connection Rather Than Focus On The Sell

As a Forbes Coaches Council member, I was asked to give a short answer to this question which was compiled with other council members and published. My answer is #6 – I hope you get value from it! Marketing’s job isn’t to convince the customer to buy. It’s to create trust and rapport. This is […]
Establishing An Emotional Connection With Customers? Here’s How To Adjust Your Strategy

As a Forbes Coaches Council member, I was asked to give a short answer to this question which was compiled with other council members and published. My answer is #1 – I hope you get value from it! ______________________________________________ Today, marketers have to take a different approach to reaching and keeping their customers. With all […]
12 Days of Monetization via @cyberpr

Last month I was one of twelve guest bloggers for Ariel Hyatt’s CyberPR Music Business blog. Click here to read my article: 12 Days of Monetization: How Do You Get People to Buy Your Music? – Debra Russell [DAY 4] Stay tuned, there will a free e-book that is a compilation of the entire series. […]
BGE Radio powered by BlogTalk: BGE Presents

Certified Business Coach for the Arts and Entertaiment Industry- Debra Russell joins Jiggy Jag to discuss all the right strategic concepts, Business operations, Marketing, and Branding opportunities that should not be missed as an artist grow in today’s world of music. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/buildgrowandenjoy/2013/09/20/bge-radio-powered-by-blogtalk
Marketing, PR & Promotion on a Budget w/C. Bret Cambell of Middle Tennessee Music (MTM)

Streamed live on Jul 26, 2013 A conversation w/C. Bret Campbell of Middle Tennessee Music. (www.MidTnMusic.com) about marketing, promotions and press on a budget for both Artists & Industry service providers. Hosted by Diana Barnes of, Suede Management (http://about.me/suede_management) Indie Connect-NYC Chapter, (www.indieconnectnyc.com) Indie News at Noon (www.indienewsatnoon.com) Participants: Debra Russell of Artists EDGE (www.artists-edge.com) […]
Debra Russell Twitter Technology Training T3

Debra Russell Twitter Technology Training T3 – YouTube Debra Russell, https://artists-edge.com Artist EDGE gives testimonial about Ann Evanston and her Twitter Technology Training T3